转载的一个哥们儿的 留下链接 http://www.cnitblog.com/yemoo/archive/2007/10/10/34623.html
// var a = new BigInt(’10000000000000000′);
// var b = new BigInt(’1′);
这是比较早期的一个 JavaScript 版本的大数运算库,由日本高手出雲所作,其中只包含了加减乘除、模(求余)和比较运算。
这个是美国高手 Leemon Baird 的作品,所实现的功能也非常全。
最后这个来自 dave 的 RSA In JavaScript 网站,这个虽然功能没有前两个强大,但是使用比较方便,做一般的浏览器端加密部分已经够用了。
/* Copyright (c) 2012 Daniel Trebbien and other contributors Portions Copyright (c) 2003 STZ-IDA and PTV AG, Karlsruhe, Germany Portions Copyright (c) 1995-2001 International Business Machines Corporation and others All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, provided that the above copyright notice(s) and this permission notice appear in all copies of the Software and that both the above copyright notice(s) and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR HOLDERS INCLUDED IN THIS NOTICE BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, OR ANY SPECIAL INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the name of a copyright holder shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization of the copyright holder. */ (function() { var m, h = function() { this.form = this.digits = 0; this.lostDigits = !1; this.roundingMode = 0; var a = this.DEFAULT_FORM, b = this.DEFAULT_LOSTDIGITS, c = this.DEFAULT_ROUNDINGMODE; if (4 == h.arguments.length) a = h.arguments[1], b = h.arguments[2], c = h.arguments[3]; else if (3 == h.arguments.length) a = h.arguments[1], b = h.arguments[2]; else if (2 == h.arguments.length) a = h.arguments[1]; else if (1 != h.arguments.length) throw "MathContext(): " + h.arguments.length + " arguments given; expected 1 to 4"; var d = h.arguments[0]; if (d != this.DEFAULT_DIGITS) { if (d < this.MIN_DIGITS) throw "MathContext(): Digits too small: " + d; if (d > this.MAX_DIGITS) throw "MathContext(): Digits too large: " + d; } if (a != this.SCIENTIFIC && a != this.ENGINEERING && a != this.PLAIN) throw "MathContext() Bad form value: " + a; if (!this.isValidRound(c)) throw "MathContext(): Bad roundingMode value: " + c; this.digits = d; this.form = a; this.lostDigits = b; this.roundingMode = c }; h.prototype.getDigits = function() { return this.digits }; h.prototype.getForm = function() { return this.form }; h.prototype.getLostDigits = function() { return this.lostDigits }; h.prototype.getRoundingMode = function() { return this.roundingMode }; h.prototype.toString = function() { var a = null, b = 0, c = null, a = this.form == this.SCIENTIFIC ? "SCIENTIFIC": this.form == this.ENGINEERING ? "ENGINEERING": "PLAIN", d = this.ROUNDS.length, b = 0; a: for (; 0 < d; d--, b++) if (this.roundingMode == this.ROUNDS[b]) { c = this.ROUNDWORDS[b]; break a } return "digits=" + this.digits + " form=" + a + " lostDigits=" + (this.lostDigits ? "1": "0") + " roundingMode=" + c }; h.prototype.isValidRound = function(a) { var b = 0, c = this.ROUNDS.length, b = 0; for (; 0 < c; c--, b++) if (a == this.ROUNDS[b]) return ! 0; return ! 1 }; h.prototype.PLAIN = 0; h.prototype.SCIENTIFIC = 1; h.prototype.ENGINEERING = 2; h.prototype.ROUND_CEILING = 2; h.prototype.ROUND_DOWN = 1; h.prototype.ROUND_FLOOR = 3; h.prototype.ROUND_HALF_DOWN = 5; h.prototype.ROUND_HALF_EVEN = 6; h.prototype.ROUND_HALF_UP = 4; h.prototype.ROUND_UNNECESSARY = 7; h.prototype.ROUND_UP = 0; h.prototype.DEFAULT_FORM = h.prototype.SCIENTIFIC; h.prototype.DEFAULT_DIGITS = 9; h.prototype.DEFAULT_LOSTDIGITS = !1; h.prototype.DEFAULT_ROUNDINGMODE = h.prototype.ROUND_HALF_UP; h.prototype.MIN_DIGITS = 0; h.prototype.MAX_DIGITS = 999999999; h.prototype.ROUNDS = [h.prototype.ROUND_HALF_UP, h.prototype.ROUND_UNNECESSARY, h.prototype.ROUND_CEILING, h.prototype.ROUND_DOWN, h.prototype.ROUND_FLOOR, h.prototype.ROUND_HALF_DOWN, h.prototype.ROUND_HALF_EVEN, h.prototype.ROUND_UP]; h.prototype.ROUNDWORDS = "ROUND_HALF_UP ROUND_UNNECESSARY ROUND_CEILING ROUND_DOWN ROUND_FLOOR ROUND_HALF_DOWN ROUND_HALF_EVEN ROUND_UP".split(" "); h.prototype.DEFAULT = new h(h.prototype.DEFAULT_DIGITS, h.prototype.DEFAULT_FORM, h.prototype.DEFAULT_LOSTDIGITS, h.prototype.DEFAULT_ROUNDINGMODE); m = h; var u, F = function(a, b) { return (a - a % b) / b }, J = function(a) { var b = Array(a), c; for (c = 0; c < a; ++c) b[c] = 0; return b }, l = function() { this.ind = 0; this.form = m.prototype.PLAIN; this.mant = null; this.exp = 0; if (0 != l.arguments.length) { var a, b, c; 1 == l.arguments.length ? (a = l.arguments[0], b = 0, c = a.length) : (a = l.arguments[0], b = l.arguments[1], c = l.arguments[2]); "string" == typeof a && (a = a.split("")); var d, e, i, f, g, j = 0, k = 0; e = !1; var h = k = k = j = 0, p = 0; f = 0; 0 >= c && this.bad("BigDecimal(): ", a); this.ind = this.ispos; "-" == a[0] ? (c--, 0 == c && this.bad("BigDecimal(): ", a), this.ind = this.isneg, b++) : "+" == a[0] && (c--, 0 == c && this.bad("BigDecimal(): ", a), b++); e = d = !1; i = 0; g = f = -1; h = c; j = b; a: for (; 0 < h; h--, j++) { k = a[j]; if ("0" <= k && "9" >= k) { g = j; i++; continue a } if ("." == k) { 0 <= f && this.bad("BigDecimal(): ", a); f = j - b; continue a } if ("e" != k && "E" != k) { ("0" > k || "9" < k) && this.bad("BigDecimal(): ", a); d = !0; g = j; i++; continue a } j - b > c - 2 && this.bad("BigDecimal(): ", a); e = !1; "-" == a[j + 1] ? (e = !0, j += 2) : j = "+" == a[j + 1] ? j + 2 : j + 1; k = c - (j - b); (0 == k || 9 < k) && this.bad("BigDecimal(): ", a); c = k; k = j; for (; 0 < c; c--, k++) h = a[k], "0" > h && this.bad("BigDecimal(): ", a), "9" < h ? this.bad("BigDecimal(): ", a) : p = h - 0, this.exp = 10 * this.exp + p; e && (this.exp = -this.exp); e = !0; break a } 0 == i && this.bad("BigDecimal(): ", a); 0 <= f && (this.exp = this.exp + f - i); p = g - 1; j = b; a: for (; j <= p; j++) if (k = a[j], "0" == k) b++, f--, i--; else if ("." == k) b++, f--; else break a; this.mant = Array(i); k = b; if (d) { b = i; j = 0; for (; 0 < b; b--, j++) j == f && k++, h = a[k], "9" >= h ? this.mant[j] = h - 0 : this.bad("BigDecimal(): ", a), k++ } else { b = i; j = 0; for (; 0 < b; b--, j++) j == f && k++, this.mant[j] = a[k] - 0, k++ } if (0 == this.mant[0]) { if (this.ind = this.iszero, 0 < this.exp && (this.exp = 0), e) this.mant = this.ZERO.mant, this.exp = 0 } else e && (this.form = m.prototype.SCIENTIFIC, f = this.exp + this.mant.length - 1, (f < this.MinExp || f > this.MaxExp) && this.bad("BigDecimal(): ", a)) } }, G = function() { var a; if (1 == G.arguments.length) a = G.arguments[0]; else if (0 == G.arguments.length) a = this.plainMC; else throw "abs(): " + G.arguments.length + " arguments given; expected 0 or 1"; return this.ind == this.isneg ? this.negate(a) : this.plus(a) }, v = function() { var a; if (2 == v.arguments.length) a = v.arguments[1]; else if (1 == v.arguments.length) a = this.plainMC; else throw "add(): " + v.arguments.length + " arguments given; expected 1 or 2"; var b = v.arguments[0], c, d, e, i, f, g, j, k = 0; d = k = 0; var k = null, h = k = 0, p = 0, s = 0, r = 0, n = 0; a.lostDigits && this.checkdigits(b, a.digits); c = this; if (0 == c.ind && a.form != m.prototype.PLAIN) return b.plus(a); if (0 == b.ind && a.form != m.prototype.PLAIN) return c.plus(a); d = a.digits; 0 < d && (c.mant.length > d && (c = this.clone(c).round(a)), b.mant.length > d && (b = this.clone(b).round(a))); e = new l; i = c.mant; f = c.mant.length; g = b.mant; j = b.mant.length; if (c.exp == b.exp) e.exp = c.exp; else if (c.exp > b.exp) { k = f + c.exp - b.exp; if (k >= j + d + 1 && 0 < d) return e.mant = i, e.exp = c.exp, e.ind = c.ind, f < d && (e.mant = this.extend(c.mant, d), e.exp -= d - f), e.finish(a, !1); e.exp = b.exp; k > d + 1 && 0 < d && (k = k - d - 1, j -= k, e.exp += k, k = d + 1); k > f && (f = k) } else { k = j + b.exp - c.exp; if (k >= f + d + 1 && 0 < d) return e.mant = g, e.exp = b.exp, e.ind = b.ind, j < d && (e.mant = this.extend(b.mant, d), e.exp -= d - j), e.finish(a, !1); e.exp = c.exp; k > d + 1 && 0 < d && (k = k - d - 1, f -= k, e.exp += k, k = d + 1); k > j && (j = k) } e.ind = c.ind == this.iszero ? this.ispos: c.ind; if ((c.ind == this.isneg ? 1 : 0) == (b.ind == this.isneg ? 1 : 0)) d = 1; else { do { d = -1; do if (b.ind != this.iszero) if (f < j || c.ind == this.iszero) k = i, i = g, g = k, k = f, f = j, j = k, e.ind = -e.ind; else if (! (f > j)) { h = k = 0; p = i.length - 1; s = g.length - 1; c: for (;;) { if (k <= p) r = i[k]; else { if (h > s) { if (a.form != m.prototype.PLAIN) return this.ZERO; break c } r = 0 } n = h <= s ? g[h] : 0; if (r != n) { r < n && (k = i, i = g, g = k, k = f, f = j, j = k, e.ind = -e.ind); break c } k++; h++ } } while (0) } while ( 0 ) } e.mant = this.byteaddsub(i, f, g, j, d, !1); return e.finish(a, !1) }, w = function() { var a; if (2 == w.arguments.length) a = w.arguments[1]; else if (1 == w.arguments.length) a = this.plainMC; else throw "compareTo(): " + w.arguments.length + " arguments given; expected 1 or 2"; var b = w.arguments[0], c = 0, c = 0; a.lostDigits && this.checkdigits(b, a.digits); if (this.ind == b.ind && this.exp == b.exp) { c = this.mant.length; if (c < b.mant.length) return - this.ind; if (c > b.mant.length) return this.ind; if (c <= a.digits || 0 == a.digits) { a = c; c = 0; for (; 0 < a; a--, c++) { if (this.mant[c] < b.mant[c]) return - this.ind; if (this.mant[c] > b.mant[c]) return this.ind } return 0 } } else { if (this.ind < b.ind) return - 1; if (this.ind > b.ind) return 1 } b = this.clone(b); b.ind = -b.ind; return this.add(b, a).ind }, o = function() { var a, b = -1; if (2 == o.arguments.length) a = "number" == typeof o.arguments[1] ? new m(0, m.prototype.PLAIN, !1, o.arguments[1]) : o.arguments[1]; else if (3 == o.arguments.length) { b = o.arguments[1]; if (0 > b) throw "divide(): Negative scale: " + b; a = new m(0, m.prototype.PLAIN, !1, o.arguments[2]) } else if (1 == o.arguments.length) a = this.plainMC; else throw "divide(): " + o.arguments.length + " arguments given; expected between 1 and 3"; return this.dodivide("D", o.arguments[0], a, b) }, x = function() { var a; if (2 == x.arguments.length) a = x.arguments[1]; else if (1 == x.arguments.length) a = this.plainMC; else throw "divideInteger(): " + x.arguments.length + " arguments given; expected 1 or 2"; return this.dodivide("I", x.arguments[0], a, 0) }, y = function() { var a; if (2 == y.arguments.length) a = y.arguments[1]; else if (1 == y.arguments.length) a = this.plainMC; else throw "max(): " + y.arguments.length + " arguments given; expected 1 or 2"; var b = y.arguments[0]; return 0 <= this.compareTo(b, a) ? this.plus(a) : b.plus(a) }, z = function() { var a; if (2 == z.arguments.length) a = z.arguments[1]; else if (1 == z.arguments.length) a = this.plainMC; else throw "min(): " + z.arguments.length + " arguments given; expected 1 or 2"; var b = z.arguments[0]; return 0 >= this.compareTo(b, a) ? this.plus(a) : b.plus(a) }, A = function() { var a; if (2 == A.arguments.length) a = A.arguments[1]; else if (1 == A.arguments.length) a = this.plainMC; else throw "multiply(): " + A.arguments.length + " arguments given; expected 1 or 2"; var b = A.arguments[0], c, d, e, i = e = null, f, g = 0, j, k = 0, h = 0; a.lostDigits && this.checkdigits(b, a.digits); c = this; d = 0; e = a.digits; 0 < e ? (c.mant.length > e && (c = this.clone(c).round(a)), b.mant.length > e && (b = this.clone(b).round(a))) : (0 < c.exp && (d += c.exp), 0 < b.exp && (d += b.exp)); c.mant.length < b.mant.length ? (e = c.mant, i = b.mant) : (e = b.mant, i = c.mant); f = e.length + i.length - 1; g = 9 < e[0] * i[0] ? f + 1 : f; j = new l; var g = this.createArrayWithZeros(g), m = e.length, k = 0; for (; 0 < m; m--, k++) h = e[k], 0 != h && (g = this.byteaddsub(g, g.length, i, f, h, !0)), f--; j.ind = c.ind * b.ind; j.exp = c.exp + b.exp - d; j.mant = 0 == d ? g: this.extend(g, g.length + d); return j.finish(a, !1) }, H = function() { var a; if (1 == H.arguments.length) a = H.arguments[0]; else if (0 == H.arguments.length) a = this.plainMC; else throw "negate(): " + H.arguments.length + " arguments given; expected 0 or 1"; var b; a.lostDigits && this.checkdigits(null, a.digits); b = this.clone(this); b.ind = -b.ind; return b.finish(a, !1) }, I = function() { var a; if (1 == I.arguments.length) a = I.arguments[0]; else if (0 == I.arguments.length) a = this.plainMC; else throw "plus(): " + I.arguments.length + " arguments given; expected 0 or 1"; a.lostDigits && this.checkdigits(null, a.digits); return a.form == m.prototype.PLAIN && this.form == m.prototype.PLAIN && (this.mant.length <= a.digits || 0 == a.digits) ? this: this.clone(this).finish(a, !1) }, B = function() { var a; if (2 == B.arguments.length) a = B.arguments[1]; else if (1 == B.arguments.length) a = this.plainMC; else throw "pow(): " + B.arguments.length + " arguments given; expected 1 or 2"; var b = B.arguments[0], c, d, e, i = e = 0, f, g = 0; a.lostDigits && this.checkdigits(b, a.digits); c = b.intcheck(this.MinArg, this.MaxArg); d = this; e = a.digits; if (0 == e) { if (b.ind == this.isneg) throw "pow(): Negative power: " + b.toString(); e = 0 } else { if (b.mant.length + b.exp > e) throw "pow(): Too many digits: " + b.toString(); d.mant.length > e && (d = this.clone(d).round(a)); i = b.mant.length + b.exp; e = e + i + 1 } e = new m(e, a.form, !1, a.roundingMode); i = this.ONE; if (0 == c) return i; 0 > c && (c = -c); f = !1; g = 1; a: for (;; g++) { c <<= 1; 0 > c && (f = !0, i = i.multiply(d, e)); if (31 == g) break a; if (!f) continue a; i = i.multiply(i, e) } 0 > b.ind && (i = this.ONE.divide(i, e)); return i.finish(a, !0) }, C = function() { var a; if (2 == C.arguments.length) a = C.arguments[1]; else if (1 == C.arguments.length) a = this.plainMC; else throw "remainder(): " + C.arguments.length + " arguments given; expected 1 or 2"; return this.dodivide("R", C.arguments[0], a, -1) }, D = function() { var a; if (2 == D.arguments.length) a = D.arguments[1]; else if (1 == D.arguments.length) a = this.plainMC; else throw "subtract(): " + D.arguments.length + " arguments given; expected 1 or 2"; var b = D.arguments[0]; a.lostDigits && this.checkdigits(b, a.digits); b = this.clone(b); b.ind = -b.ind; return this.add(b, a) }, q = function() { var a, b, c, d; if (6 == q.arguments.length) a = q.arguments[2], b = q.arguments[3], c = q.arguments[4], d = q.arguments[5]; else if (2 == q.arguments.length) b = a = -1, c = m.prototype.SCIENTIFIC, d = this.ROUND_HALF_UP; else throw "format(): " + q.arguments.length + " arguments given; expected 2 or 6"; var e = q.arguments[0], i = q.arguments[1], f, g = 0, g = g = 0, j = null, k = j = g = 0; f = 0; g = null; k = j = 0; ( - 1 > e || 0 == e) && this.badarg("format", 1, e); - 1 > i && this.badarg("format", 2, i); ( - 1 > a || 0 == a) && this.badarg("format", 3, a); - 1 > b && this.badarg("format", 4, b); c != m.prototype.SCIENTIFIC && c != m.prototype.ENGINEERING && ( - 1 == c ? c = m.prototype.SCIENTIFIC: this.badarg("format", 5, c)); if (d != this.ROUND_HALF_UP) try { - 1 == d ? d = this.ROUND_HALF_UP: new m(9, m.prototype.SCIENTIFIC, !1, d) } catch(l) { this.badarg("format", 6, d) } f = this.clone(this); - 1 == b ? f.form = m.prototype.PLAIN: f.ind == this.iszero ? f.form = m.prototype.PLAIN: (g = f.exp + f.mant.length, f.form = g > b ? c: -5 > g ? c: m.prototype.PLAIN); if (0 <= i) a: for (;;) { f.form == m.prototype.PLAIN ? g = -f.exp: f.form == m.prototype.SCIENTIFIC ? g = f.mant.length - 1 : (g = (f.exp + f.mant.length - 1) % 3, 0 > g && (g = 3 + g), g++, g = g >= f.mant.length ? 0 : f.mant.length - g); if (g == i) break a; if (g < i) { j = this.extend(f.mant, f.mant.length + i - g); f.mant = j; f.exp -= i - g; if (f.exp < this.MinExp) throw "format(): Exponent Overflow: " + f.exp; break a } g -= i; if (g > f.mant.length) { f.mant = this.ZERO.mant; f.ind = this.iszero; f.exp = 0; continue a } j = f.mant.length - g; k = f.exp; f.round(j, d); if (f.exp - k == g) break a } b = f.layout(); if (0 < e) { c = b.length; f = 0; a: for (; 0 < c; c--, f++) { if ("." == b[f]) break a; if ("E" == b[f]) break a } f > e && this.badarg("format", 1, e); if (f < e) { g = Array(b.length + e - f); e -= f; j = 0; for (; 0 < e; e--, j++) g[j] = " "; this.arraycopy(b, 0, g, j, b.length); b = g } } if (0 < a) { e = b.length - 1; f = b.length - 1; a: for (; 0 < e; e--, f--) if ("E" == b[f]) break a; if (0 == f) { g = Array(b.length + a + 2); this.arraycopy(b, 0, g, 0, b.length); a += 2; j = b.length; for (; 0 < a; a--, j++) g[j] = " "; b = g } else if (k = b.length - f - 2, k > a && this.badarg("format", 3, a), k < a) { g = Array(b.length + a - k); this.arraycopy(b, 0, g, 0, f + 2); a -= k; j = f + 2; for (; 0 < a; a--, j++) g[j] = "0"; this.arraycopy(b, f + 2, g, j, k); b = g } } return b.join("") }, E = function() { var a; if (2 == E.arguments.length) a = E.arguments[1]; else if (1 == E.arguments.length) a = this.ROUND_UNNECESSARY; else throw "setScale(): " + E.arguments.length + " given; expected 1 or 2"; var b = E.arguments[0], c, d; c = c = 0; c = this.scale(); if (c == b && this.form == m.prototype.PLAIN) return this; d = this.clone(this); if (c <= b) c = 0 == c ? d.exp + b: b - c, d.mant = this.extend(d.mant, d.mant.length + c), d.exp = -b; else { if (0 > b) throw "setScale(): Negative scale: " + b; c = d.mant.length - (c - b); d = d.round(c, a); d.exp != -b && (d.mant = this.extend(d.mant, d.mant.length + 1), d.exp -= 1) } d.form = m.prototype.PLAIN; return d }; u = function() { var a, b = 0, c = 0; a = Array(190); b = 0; a: for (; 189 >= b; b++) { c = b - 90; if (0 <= c) { a[b] = c % 10; l.prototype.bytecar[b] = F(c, 10); continue a } c += 100; a[b] = c % 10; l.prototype.bytecar[b] = F(c, 10) - 10 } return a }; var t = function() { var a, b; if (2 == t.arguments.length) a = t.arguments[0], b = t.arguments[1]; else if (1 == t.arguments.length) b = t.arguments[0], a = b.digits, b = b.roundingMode; else throw "round(): " + t.arguments.length + " arguments given; expected 1 or 2"; var c, d, e = !1, i = 0, f; c = null; c = this.mant.length - a; if (0 >= c) return this; this.exp += c; c = this.ind; d = this.mant; 0 < a ? (this.mant = Array(a), this.arraycopy(d, 0, this.mant, 0, a), e = !0, i = d[a]) : (this.mant = this.ZERO.mant, this.ind = this.iszero, e = !1, i = 0 == a ? d[0] : 0); f = 0; if (b == this.ROUND_HALF_UP) 5 <= i && (f = c); else if (b == this.ROUND_UNNECESSARY) { if (!this.allzero(d, a)) throw "round(): Rounding necessary"; } else if (b == this.ROUND_HALF_DOWN) 5 < i ? f = c: 5 == i && (this.allzero(d, a + 1) || (f = c)); else if (b == this.ROUND_HALF_EVEN) 5 < i ? f = c: 5 == i && (this.allzero(d, a + 1) ? 1 == this.mant[this.mant.length - 1] % 2 && (f = c) : f = c); else if (b != this.ROUND_DOWN) if (b == this.ROUND_UP) this.allzero(d, a) || (f = c); else if (b == this.ROUND_CEILING) 0 < c && (this.allzero(d, a) || (f = c)); else if (b == this.ROUND_FLOOR) 0 > c && (this.allzero(d, a) || (f = c)); else throw "round(): Bad round value: " + b; 0 != f && (this.ind == this.iszero ? (this.mant = this.ONE.mant, this.ind = f) : (this.ind == this.isneg && (f = -f), c = this.byteaddsub(this.mant, this.mant.length, this.ONE.mant, 1, f, e), c.length > this.mant.length ? (this.exp++, this.arraycopy(c, 0, this.mant, 0, this.mant.length)) : this.mant = c)); if (this.exp > this.MaxExp) throw "round(): Exponent Overflow: " + this.exp; return this }; l.prototype.div = F; l.prototype.arraycopy = function(a, b, c, d, e) { var i; if (d > b) for (i = e - 1; 0 <= i; --i) c[i + d] = a[i + b]; else for (i = 0; i < e; ++i) c[i + d] = a[i + b] }; l.prototype.createArrayWithZeros = J; l.prototype.abs = G; l.prototype.add = v; l.prototype.compareTo = w; l.prototype.divide = o; l.prototype.divideInteger = x; l.prototype.max = y; l.prototype.min = z; l.prototype.multiply = A; l.prototype.negate = H; l.prototype.plus = I; l.prototype.pow = B; l.prototype.remainder = C; l.prototype.subtract = D; l.prototype.equals = function(a) { var b = 0, c = null, d = null; if (null == a || !(a instanceof l) || this.ind != a.ind) return ! 1; if (this.mant.length == a.mant.length && this.exp == a.exp && this.form == a.form) { c = this.mant.length; b = 0; for (; 0 < c; c--, b++) if (this.mant[b] != a.mant[b]) return ! 1 } else { c = this.layout(); d = a.layout(); if (c.length != d.length) return ! 1; a = c.length; b = 0; for (; 0 < a; a--, b++) if (c[b] != d[b]) return ! 1 } return ! 0 }; l.prototype.format = q; l.prototype.intValueExact = function() { var a, b = 0, c, d = 0; a = 0; if (this.ind == this.iszero) return 0; a = this.mant.length - 1; if (0 > this.exp) { a += this.exp; if (!this.allzero(this.mant, a + 1)) throw "intValueExact(): Decimal part non-zero: " + this.toString(); if (0 > a) return 0; b = 0 } else { if (9 < this.exp + a) throw "intValueExact(): Conversion overflow: " + this.toString(); b = this.exp } c = 0; var e = a + b, d = 0; for (; d <= e; d++) c *= 10, d <= a && (c += this.mant[d]); if (9 == a + b && (a = F(c, 1E9), a != this.mant[0])) { if ( - 2147483648 == c && this.ind == this.isneg && 2 == this.mant[0]) return c; throw "intValueExact(): Conversion overflow: " + this.toString(); } return this.ind == this.ispos ? c: -c }; l.prototype.movePointLeft = function(a) { var b; b = this.clone(this); b.exp -= a; return b.finish(this.plainMC, !1) }; l.prototype.movePointRight = function(a) { var b; b = this.clone(this); b.exp += a; return b.finish(this.plainMC, !1) }; l.prototype.scale = function() { return 0 <= this.exp ? 0 : -this.exp }; l.prototype.setScale = E; l.prototype.signum = function() { return this.ind }; l.prototype.toString = function() { return this.layout().join("") }; l.prototype.layout = function() { var a, b = 0, b = null, c = 0, d = 0; a = 0; var d = null, e, b = 0; a = Array(this.mant.length); c = this.mant.length; b = 0; for (; 0 < c; c--, b++) a[b] = this.mant[b] + ""; if (this.form != m.prototype.PLAIN) { b = ""; this.ind == this.isneg && (b += "-"); c = this.exp + a.length - 1; if (this.form == m.prototype.SCIENTIFIC) b += a[0], 1 < a.length && (b += "."), b += a.slice(1).join(""); else if (d = c % 3, 0 > d && (d = 3 + d), c -= d, d++, d >= a.length) { b += a.join(""); for (a = d - a.length; 0 < a; a--) b += "0" } else b += a.slice(0, d).join(""), b = b + "." + a.slice(d).join(""); 0 != c && (0 > c ? (a = "-", c = -c) : a = "+", b = b + "E" + a + c); return b.split("") } if (0 == this.exp) { if (0 <= this.ind) return a; d = Array(a.length + 1); d[0] = "-"; this.arraycopy(a, 0, d, 1, a.length); return d } c = this.ind == this.isneg ? 1 : 0; e = this.exp + a.length; if (1 > e) { b = c + 2 - this.exp; d = Array(b); 0 != c && (d[0] = "-"); d[c] = "0"; d[c + 1] = "."; var i = -e, b = c + 2; for (; 0 < i; i--, b++) d[b] = "0"; this.arraycopy(a, 0, d, c + 2 - e, a.length); return d } if (e > a.length) { d = Array(c + e); 0 != c && (d[0] = "-"); this.arraycopy(a, 0, d, c, a.length); e -= a.length; b = c + a.length; for (; 0 < e; e--, b++) d[b] = "0"; return d } b = c + 1 + a.length; d = Array(b); 0 != c && (d[0] = "-"); this.arraycopy(a, 0, d, c, e); d[c + e] = "."; this.arraycopy(a, e, d, c + e + 1, a.length - e); return d }; l.prototype.intcheck = function(a, b) { var c; c = this.intValueExact(); if (c < a || c > b) throw "intcheck(): Conversion overflow: " + c; return c }; l.prototype.dodivide = function(a, b, c, d) { var e, i, f, g, j, k, h, p, s, r = 0, n = 0, o = 0; i = i = n = n = n = 0; e = null; e = e = 0; e = null; c.lostDigits && this.checkdigits(b, c.digits); e = this; if (0 == b.ind) throw "dodivide(): Divide by 0"; if (0 == e.ind) return c.form != m.prototype.PLAIN ? this.ZERO: -1 == d ? e: e.setScale(d); i = c.digits; if (0 < i) e.mant.length > i && (e = this.clone(e).round(c)), b.mant.length > i && (b = this.clone(b).round(c)); else if ( - 1 == d && (d = e.scale()), i = e.mant.length, d != -e.exp && (i = i + d + e.exp), i = i - (b.mant.length - 1) - b.exp, i < e.mant.length && (i = e.mant.length), i < b.mant.length) i = b.mant.length; f = e.exp - b.exp + e.mant.length - b.mant.length; if (0 > f && "D" != a) return "I" == a ? this.ZERO: this.clone(e).finish(c, !1); g = new l; g.ind = e.ind * b.ind; g.exp = f; g.mant = this.createArrayWithZeros(i + 1); j = i + i + 1; f = this.extend(e.mant, j); k = j; h = b.mant; p = j; s = 10 * h[0] + 1; 1 < h.length && (s += h[1]); j = 0; a: for (;;) { r = 0; b: for (;;) { if (k < p) break b; if (k == p) { c: do { var q = k, n = 0; for (; 0 < q; q--, n++) { o = n < h.length ? h[n] : 0; if (f[n] < o) break b; if (f[n] > o) break c } r++; g.mant[j] = r; j++; f[0] = 0; break a } while ( 0 ); n = f[0] } else n = 10 * f[0], 1 < k && (n += f[1]); n = F(10 * n, s); 0 == n && (n = 1); r += n; f = this.byteaddsub(f, k, h, p, -n, !0); if (0 != f[0]) continue b; o = k - 2; n = 0; c: for (; n <= o; n++) { if (0 != f[n]) break c; k-- } if (0 == n) continue b; this.arraycopy(f, n, f, 0, k) } if (0 != j || 0 != r) { g.mant[j] = r; j++; if (j == i + 1) break a; if (0 == f[0]) break a } if (0 <= d && -g.exp > d) break a; if ("D" != a && 0 >= g.exp) break a; g.exp -= 1; p-- } 0 == j && (j = 1); if ("I" == a || "R" == a) { if (j + g.exp > i) throw "dodivide(): Integer overflow"; if ("R" == a) { do { if (0 == g.mant[0]) return this.clone(e).finish(c, !1); if (0 == f[0]) return this.ZERO; g.ind = e.ind; i = i + i + 1 - e.mant.length; g.exp = g.exp - i + e.exp; i = k; n = i - 1; b: for (; 1 <= n && g.exp < e.exp && g.exp < b.exp; n--) { if (0 != f[n]) break b; i--; g.exp += 1 } i < f.length && (e = Array(i), this.arraycopy(f, 0, e, 0, i), f = e); g.mant = f; return g.finish(c, !1) } while ( 0 ) } } else 0 != f[0] && (e = g.mant[j - 1], 0 == e % 5 && (g.mant[j - 1] = e + 1)); if (0 <= d) return j != g.mant.length && (g.exp -= g.mant.length - j), e = g.mant.length - ( - g.exp - d), g.round(e, c.roundingMode), g.exp != -d && (g.mant = this.extend(g.mant, g.mant.length + 1), g.exp -= 1), g.finish(c, !0); if (j == g.mant.length) g.round(c); else { if (0 == g.mant[0]) return this.ZERO; e = Array(j); this.arraycopy(g.mant, 0, e, 0, j); g.mant = e } return g.finish(c, !0) }; l.prototype.bad = function(a, b) { throw a + "Not a number: " + b; }; l.prototype.badarg = function(a, b, c) { throw "Bad argument " + b + " to " + a + ": " + c; }; l.prototype.extend = function(a, b) { var c; if (a.length == b) return a; c = J(b); this.arraycopy(a, 0, c, 0, a.length); return c }; l.prototype.byteaddsub = function(a, b, c, d, e, i) { var f, g, j, k, l, h, m = 0; f = h = 0; f = a.length; g = c.length; b -= 1; k = j = d - 1; k < b && (k = b); d = null; i && k + 1 == f && (d = a); null == d && (d = this.createArrayWithZeros(k + 1)); l = !1; 1 == e ? l = !0 : -1 == e && (l = !0); h = 0; m = k; a: for (; 0 <= m; m--) { 0 <= b && (b < f && (h += a[b]), b--); 0 <= j && (j < g && (h = l ? 0 < e ? h + c[j] : h - c[j] : h + c[j] * e), j--); if (10 > h && 0 <= h) { do { d[m] = h; h = 0; continue a } while ( 0 ) } h += 90; d[m] = this.bytedig[h]; h = this.bytecar[h] } if (0 == h) return d; c = null; i && k + 2 == a.length && (c = a); null == c && (c = Array(k + 2)); c[0] = h; a = k + 1; f = 0; for (; 0 < a; a--, f++) c[f + 1] = d[f]; return c }; l.prototype.diginit = u; l.prototype.clone = function(a) { var b; b = new l; b.ind = a.ind; b.exp = a.exp; b.form = a.form; b.mant = a.mant; return b }; l.prototype.checkdigits = function(a, b) { if (0 != b) { if (this.mant.length > b && !this.allzero(this.mant, b)) throw "Too many digits: " + this.toString(); if (null != a && a.mant.length > b && !this.allzero(a.mant, b)) throw "Too many digits: " + a.toString(); } }; l.prototype.round = t; l.prototype.allzero = function(a, b) { var c = 0; 0 > b && (b = 0); var d = a.length - 1, c = b; for (; c <= d; c++) if (0 != a[c]) return ! 1; return ! 0 }; l.prototype.finish = function(a, b) { var c = 0, d = 0, e = null, c = d = 0; 0 != a.digits && this.mant.length > a.digits && this.round(a); if (b && a.form != m.prototype.PLAIN) { c = this.mant.length; d = c - 1; a: for (; 1 <= d; d--) { if (0 != this.mant[d]) break a; c--; this.exp++ } c < this.mant.length && (e = Array(c), this.arraycopy(this.mant, 0, e, 0, c), this.mant = e) } this.form = m.prototype.PLAIN; c = this.mant.length; d = 0; for (; 0 < c; c--, d++) if (0 != this.mant[d]) { 0 < d && (e = Array(this.mant.length - d), this.arraycopy(this.mant, d, e, 0, this.mant.length - d), this.mant = e); d = this.exp + this.mant.length; if (0 < d) { if (d > a.digits && 0 != a.digits && (this.form = a.form), d - 1 <= this.MaxExp) return this } else - 5 > d && (this.form = a.form); d--; if (d < this.MinExp || d > this.MaxExp) { b: do { if (this.form == m.prototype.ENGINEERING && (c = d % 3, 0 > c && (c = 3 + c), d -= c, d >= this.MinExp && d <= this.MaxExp)) break b; throw "finish(): Exponent Overflow: " + d; } while ( 0 ) } return this } this.ind = this.iszero; if (a.form != m.prototype.PLAIN) this.exp = 0; else if (0 < this.exp) this.exp = 0; else if (this.exp < this.MinExp) throw "finish(): Exponent Overflow: " + this.exp; this.mant = this.ZERO.mant; return this }; l.prototype.isGreaterThan = function(a) { return 0 < this.compareTo(a) }; l.prototype.isLessThan = function(a) { return 0 > this.compareTo(a) }; l.prototype.isGreaterThanOrEqualTo = function(a) { return 0 <= this.compareTo(a) }; l.prototype.isLessThanOrEqualTo = function(a) { return 0 >= this.compareTo(a) }; l.prototype.isPositive = function() { return 0 < this.compareTo(l.prototype.ZERO) }; l.prototype.isNegative = function() { return 0 > this.compareTo(l.prototype.ZERO) }; l.prototype.isZero = function() { return this.equals(l.prototype.ZERO) }; l.prototype.ROUND_CEILING = m.prototype.ROUND_CEILING; l.prototype.ROUND_DOWN = m.prototype.ROUND_DOWN; l.prototype.ROUND_FLOOR = m.prototype.ROUND_FLOOR; l.prototype.ROUND_HALF_DOWN = m.prototype.ROUND_HALF_DOWN; l.prototype.ROUND_HALF_EVEN = m.prototype.ROUND_HALF_EVEN; l.prototype.ROUND_HALF_UP = m.prototype.ROUND_HALF_UP; l.prototype.ROUND_UNNECESSARY = m.prototype.ROUND_UNNECESSARY; l.prototype.ROUND_UP = m.prototype.ROUND_UP; l.prototype.ispos = 1; l.prototype.iszero = 0; l.prototype.isneg = -1; l.prototype.MinExp = -999999999; l.prototype.MaxExp = 999999999; l.prototype.MinArg = -999999999; l.prototype.MaxArg = 999999999; l.prototype.plainMC = new m(0, m.prototype.PLAIN); l.prototype.bytecar = Array(190); l.prototype.bytedig = u(); l.prototype.ZERO = new l("0"); l.prototype.ONE = new l("1"); l.prototype.TEN = new l("10"); u = l; "function" === typeof define && null != define.amd ? define({ BigDecimal: u, MathContext: m }) : "object" === typeof this && (this.BigDecimal = u, this.MathContext = m) }).call(this);